WaterWorld (SNES): Shop

Preview BRSTM: Play
Game: WaterWorld (SNES)
Song Name: Shop
Song Type:
Song ID: 110066
BRSTM Uploader: The Negative Ion
Upload Date: August 16, 2024
Approved by: The Negative Ion
Length: 3:37
BRSTM Size: 10.97 MB
Downloads: 1
Loop Type: Song Loops Normally
Start Loop Point: 1376256
End Loop Point: 9596094
Sampling Rate: 44100


This song does something really interesting: As it's played in-game, the panning on the string backing instrument is randomized every time each chord is played, which makes creating a natural loop from recorded audio impossible. You can play this song for 12 hours straight and you'd never find a natural point to loop the song. I don't know if this is present in any other song, but it's absolutely explicit in this one. So what I did was loop the song to an appropriate point that simulates that randomness without needlessly extending the song to any extremes.