Song Name | Uploader | Length | Downloads | Loop Type | Preview |
Attack on Dragon! | Xerom | 2:25 | 14 | Normal | |
Battle - Ithere | Xerom | 2:29 | 22 | Normal | |
Battle - Monster Girl | Xerom | 0:37 | 3 | Normal | |
Battle - Normal Combat | Xerom | 1:54 | 9 | Normal | |
bAttle party | Xerom | 1:43 | 10 | Normal | |
Carefree | Xerom | 1:25 | 8 | Normal | |
Destructor ~ Gele | Xerom | 1:43 | 11 | Normal | |
Dungeon - Dark | Xerom | 1:36 | 8 | Normal | |
Dungeon - Normal | Xerom | 1:29 | 13 | Normal | |
Dungeon Wonderland | Xerom | 1:31 | 2 | Normal | |
Epilogue | Xerom | 2:37 | 2 | Normal | |
Erotic | Xerom | 1:45 | 2 | Normal | |
Formidable Enemy Encounter | Xerom | 1:25 | 4 | Normal | |
Formidable Enemy Encounter (Alternate Loop) | Xerom | 1:26 | 3 | Normal | |
Headquarters | Xerom | 1:37 | 3 | Normal | |
Hochdruckpumpe | Xerom | 1:52 | 15 | Normal | |
Icon | Xerom | 1:26 | 2 | Normal | |
Patti | Xerom | 1:40 | 6 | Normal | |
R!R!R! (Opening) | Xerom | 0:47 | 2 | None | |
R!R!R! (Opening) [Looped] | Xerom | 0:40 | 2 | Custom | |
Royal Chaser | Xerom | 1:36 | 8 | Normal | |
Satella Appeared! | Xerom | 1:25 | 4 | Normal | |
To Die! To Death! (Big Boss Encounter) | Xerom | 1:47 | 3 | Normal |