Absolute Despair Girl: Danganronpa Another Episode Music

Song Name Uploader Length Downloads Loop Type Preview
Abnormality on the Girls' Front Line Xerom 1:46 13 Normal Play
Absolute Delusional Girl Xerom 1:20 13 Normal Play
Absolute Despair Girl Xerom 2:09 28 Normal Play
Absolute Terrified Girl Xerom 1:13 16 Normal Play
Absolute? Despair? Girl? Xerom 2:27 42 Normal Play
Alice in the Children's Land Xerom 3:01 16 Normal Play
Business Trip Version Punishment ~Adult Diorama Episode~ Xerom 0:43 6 None Play
Business Trip Version Punishment ~Helicopter Crash Episode~ Xerom 1:02 8 None Play
Business Trip Version Punishment ~Monokuma Raid Episode~ Xerom 0:53 12 None Play
Business Trip Version Punishment ~Parachute Landing Episode~ Xerom 0:44 11 None Play
Business Trip Version Punishment ~Swimming Explosion Episode~ Xerom 0:40 8 None Play
DSO Beautiful Dead Xerom 5:47 25 Custom Play
Ghost Stories From the School District of Revolution Xerom 3:11 12 Normal Play
It's a Kids' World Xerom 1:31 18 Normal Play
It's a Monokuma World Xerom 3:06 48 Normal Play
Last VERSUS Xerom 1:43 17 Normal Play
Like I Would Become a Monster Xerom 2:26 16 Normal Play
Monoc-Man Activate (Completed) Xerom 0:03 7 None Play
Monoc-Man Activate (Start) Xerom 0:05 12 None Play
Progressive (Credits) Xerom 3:41 13 Custom Play
Punishment of the Hero Xerom 1:21 11 None Play
Punishment of the Priest Xerom 1:07 14 None Play
Punishment of the Sage !! Xerom 0:34 15 None Play
Punishment of the Warrior Xerom 0:44 9 None Play
Riddle Land Xerom 1:58 8 Normal Play
Shô's Fever Time Xerom 2:12 36 Normal Play
The Forbidden Playhouse Xerom 1:31 14 Normal Play
The Warriors of Hope Xerom 2:47 91 Normal Play
Under Attack Xerom 0:27 7 None Play
VERSUS Xerom 1:39 16 Normal Play
We Can't Change the World Xerom 1:19 10 Normal Play
Welcome to TOWA Tower Xerom 2:43 14 Normal Play
Wonderful Dead 001 Xerom 3:32 52 Normal Play
Wonderful Dead 002 Xerom 3:48 22 Normal Play
Wonderful Dead 003 Xerom 3:34 17 Normal Play
Wonderful Dead 004 Xerom 3:32 14 Normal Play

Total BRSTMs: 36
Total Downloads: 691