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Rayman Origins Music

Song Name Uploader Length Downloads Loop Type Preview
Angsty Abyss - Murray of the Deep Mr. Cowbrown 1:57 1 Custom Play
Breaking the Force Field (Desert Of Dijiridoos) Mr. Cowbrown 0:35 0 Normal Play
Breaking the Force Field (Jibberish Jungle) Mr. Cowbrown 0:26 0 Normal Play
Breaking the Force Field (Mystical Pique) Mr. Cowbrown 1:01 1 Normal Play
Breaking the Force Field (Sea of Serendipity) Mr. Cowbrown 0:39 0 Normal Play
Desert Of Dijiridoos - Desert Mirage Mr. Cowbrown 1:51 1 Normal Play
Desert Of Dijiridoos - First Staffs Mr. Cowbrown 3:14 1 Custom Play
Desert Of Dijiridoos - Guardian in the Sky Mr. Cowbrown 1:24 1 Custom Play
Desert Of Dijiridoos - Lost Beats 1 Mr. Cowbrown 2:40 1 Normal Play
Desert Of Dijiridoos - Lost Beats 2 Mr. Cowbrown 3:52 1 Normal Play
Desert Of Dijiridoos - Lost Beats 3 Mr. Cowbrown 3:48 1 Normal Play
Desert Of Dijiridoos - Shooting Me Softly Mr. Cowbrown 2:23 1 Custom Play
Desert Of Dijiridoos - Shooting Me Softly (Swarm) Mr. Cowbrown 0:57 0 Normal Play
Gourmand Land - Breaking the Ice Mr. Cowbrown 0:51 2 Normal Play
Gourmand Land - Dashing Thru the Fire Mr. Cowbrown 0:55 2 Normal Play
Gourmand Land - Frozen Paradise Mr. Cowbrown 0:54 2 Normal Play
Gourmand Land - Glacier Cocktail Mr. Cowbrown 0:56 2 Normal Play
Gourmand Land - Hellish Paradise Mr. Cowbrown 0:57 2 Custom Play
Gourmand Land - Infernal Suspense Mr. Cowbrown 0:49 2 Normal Play
Gourmand Land - The Darktoon Chase Mr. Cowbrown 0:56 1 Normal Play
Gourmand Land - Trouble in Paradise Mr. Cowbrown 0:52 2 Normal Play
Gourmand Land - Waiting For the Waiter Mr. Cowbrown 0:50 1 Normal Play
Gourmand Land - You're on Fire! Mr. Cowbrown 0:45 1 Normal Play
Grumbling Grottos - The Angry Bird Mr. Cowbrown 3:00 1 Custom Play
Jibberish Jungle - A Sunny Stroll Mr. Cowbrown 2:04 1 Normal Play
Jibberish Jungle - Advancement Mr. Cowbrown 0:49 0 Normal Play
Jibberish Jungle - Danger Ahead Mr. Cowbrown 2:34 1 Normal Play
Jibberish Jungle - Happy Slapping! Mr. Cowbrown 2:07 1 Custom Play
Jibberish Jungle - Suspense Mr. Cowbrown 1:28 1 Normal Play
Jibberish Jungle - The Darktoon Chase Electropolitan 3:01 89 Normal Play
Land of the Livid Dead - Big Mamma's Lullaby Mr. Cowbrown 0:40 0 Custom Play
Land of the Livid Dead - Chasing a Dream Mr. Cowbrown 1:54 4 Normal Play
Land of the Livid Dead - Nowhere to Run Mr. Cowbrown 1:40 1 Normal Play
Luscious Lakes - The Dragon Chef's Belly Mr. Cowbrown 0:52 2 Normal Play
Moody Clouds - Destroy the Mechas! Mr. Cowbrown 1:46 1 Custom Play
Moody Clouds - Riding the Storm Mr. Cowbrown 0:47 0 Normal Play
Moody Clouds - Steampunk Suspense Mr. Cowbrown 0:48 0 Normal Play
Moody Clouds - The Mecha Factory Mr. Cowbrown 0:52 1 Normal Play
Mystical Pique - Scaling the Mountains Mr. Cowbrown 0:57 1 Normal Play
Mystical Pique - Taking to the Skies Mr. Cowbrown 0:49 0 Normal Play
Mystical Pique - The Fakir's Song Mr. Cowbrown 0:52 1 Custom Play
Sea of Serendipity - Fire Then Wetty Mr. Cowbrown 0:47 0 Normal Play
Sea of Serendipity - Lums on the Water ~ Glou Glou Mr. Cowbrown 2:33 1 Custom Play
Sea of Serendipity - Panic at the Port Mr. Cowbrown 0:50 1 Normal Play
Sea of Serendipity - Swimming Against the Stream Mr. Cowbrown 1:18 1 Normal Play
Sea of Serendipity - The Abyss Mr. Cowbrown 2:37 1 Normal Play
Sea of Serendipity - The Darktoon Chase Mr. Cowbrown 0:49 1 Normal Play
Sea of Serendipity - The Eels' Chase Mr. Cowbrown 0:32 0 Normal Play
Sea of Serendipity - The Lums' Dream ~ Glou Glou Mr. Cowbrown 1:20 1 Normal Play
Sea of Serendipity - Village on the Water Mr. Cowbrown 0:46 0 Normal Play
Stage Clear - Hand Over Those Lums! Mr. Cowbrown 0:28 0 Normal Play
The Electoon Bridge - The Lum King Mr. Cowbrown 0:28 0 Normal Play
The Electoons' Savior Mr. Cowbrown 0:21 0 Normal Play
The Lum King (Variant 1) Mr. Cowbrown 0:08 0 Normal Play
The Lum King (Variant 2) Mr. Cowbrown 0:08 0 Normal Play
The Lum King (Variant 3) Mr. Cowbrown 0:08 0 Normal Play
The Snoring Tree - Imprisoned Mr. Cowbrown 0:21 0 Normal Play
The Tricky Treasure JE-AT 0:52 107 Normal Play
Ticklish Temples - A Carnivorous Chase Mr. Cowbrown 1:15 1 Custom Play
Ticklish Temples - Poor Little Daisy! Mr. Cowbrown 3:00 1 Custom Play
Title Screen - The Lum King Mr. Cowbrown 0:28 0 Normal Play
Travels in the Glade of Dreams Mr. Cowbrown 0:12 0 Normal Play
World Map Mr. Cowbrown 0:26 0 Normal Play
World Map - Desert Of Dijiridoos Mr. Cowbrown 0:42 0 Normal Play
World Map - Gourmand Land Mr. Cowbrown 0:43 0 Normal Play
World Map - Jibberish Jungle Mr. Cowbrown 0:41 0 Normal Play
World Map - Land of the Livid Dead Mr. Cowbrown 0:12 0 Normal Play
World Map - Moody Clouds Mr. Cowbrown 0:26 0 Normal Play
World Map - Mystical Pique Mr. Cowbrown 0:46 0 Normal Play
World Map - Sea of Serendipity Mr. Cowbrown 1:42 1 Normal Play

Total BRSTMs: 70
Total Downloads: 247