Song Name | Uploader | Length | Downloads | Loop Type | Preview |
Bret Hart | TheNintenguy | 0:17 | 7 | Normal | |
Choose Your Wrestler | TheNintenguy | 0:50 | 7 | Normal | |
Doink the Clown | TheNintenguy | 0:08 | 8 | Normal | |
Let's Get Ready to Rumble! | TheNintenguy | 0:42 | 7 | Normal | |
Lex Luger | TheNintenguy | 0:23 | 7 | Normal | |
Razor Ramon | TheNintenguy | 0:03 | 7 | Normal | |
Shawn Michaels | TheNintenguy | 0:36 | 14 | Normal | |
The Undertaker | TheNintenguy | 1:12 | 14 | Normal | |
Unknown Jingle | TheNintenguy | 0:01 | 4 | None |