Song Name | Uploader | Length | Downloads | Loop Type | Preview |
Big Fight | TehGr81 | 1:03 | 36 | Custom | |
Bubble Blowing Baby Hunt | TehGr81 | 2:55 | 89 | Normal | |
Combat Arena Challenge | TehGr81 | 2:59 | 48 | Normal | |
Dennis Strikes Back! | TehGr81 | 2:03 | 19 | Normal | |
Disco Star | TehGr81 | 1:01 | 37 | Custom | |
I'll Let You Pet Mr. Whiskers | TehGr81 | 1:59 | 19 | Normal | |
I'm Ready... Depression | TehGr81 | 2:55 | 51 | Normal | |
Macho Sonic Wave Guitar (Intro) | PotheadThePorcupine | 0:02 | 7 | None | |
Name's Dennis... | TehGr81 | 1:59 | 35 | Normal | |
No Cheese! (Fixed) | PotheadThePorcupine | 2:58 | 47 | Normal | |
Now That We're Men... | TehGr81 | 3:04 | 30 | Normal | |
Rub a Dub Dub, Slip Slide in the Tub | TehGr81 | 2:54 | 101 | Normal | |
Sandwich Driving 101 | TehGr81 | 3:11 | 92 | Normal | |
Shell City, Dead Ahead | TehGr81 | 2:48 | 33 | Custom | |
Sonic Wave Guitar (Intro) | PotheadThePorcupine | 0:02 | 5 | None | |
Spongeball & Floating Block Challenges | TehGr81 | 2:59 | 74 | Normal | |
Three... Thousand Miles to Shell City | TehGr81 | 3:11 | 28 | Normal | |
Title Screen | TehGr81 | 2:58 | 45 | Normal | |
Turn the Tables on Plankton | TehGr81 | 2:32 | 135 | Custom | |
Welcome to Planktopolis... Minions | TehGr81 | 3:02 | 26 | Normal |