Sonic 3D Blast (Mega Drive) Logo

Sonic 3D Blast (Mega Drive) Music

Song Name Uploader Length Downloads Loop Type Preview
Act Clear TheUltimateKoopa 0:05 24 None Play
Boss (819 Beta) Segtendo 0:32 25 Normal Play
Boss (825 Beta) Segtendo 0:32 35 Normal Play
Boss 1 TheUltimateKoopa 1:23 70 Normal Play
Boss 2 TheUltimateKoopa 0:32 71 Normal Play
Chaos Emerald TheUltimateKoopa 0:02 20 None Play
Continue TheUltimateKoopa 0:13 23 Normal Play
Desperate Battle in Robotnik's Void of Emptiness ...for Final Fight STHFan1992 4:40 23 Custom Play
Diamond Dust Zone Act 1 TheUltimateKoopa 1:19 104 Normal Play
Diamond Dust Zone Act 2 TheUltimateKoopa 1:27 48 Normal Play
Ending TheUltimateKoopa 0:30 19 None Play
Extra Life TheUltimateKoopa 0:03 15 None Play
Game Over TheUltimateKoopa 0:08 16 None Play
Gene Gadget Zone (Act 1+2 Medley) TheUltimateKoopa 3:58 40 Custom Play
Gene Gadget Zone Act 1 TheUltimateKoopa 2:00 45 Normal Play
Gene Gadget Zone Act 2 TheUltimateKoopa 2:00 31 Normal Play
Green Grove Zone Act 1 TheUltimateKoopa 1:27 111 Normal Play
Green Grove Zone Act 2 TheUltimateKoopa 4:25 66 Normal Play
Intro TheUltimateKoopa 0:16 25 None Play
Invincibility TheUltimateKoopa 0:30 31 Normal Play
Main Menu TheUltimateKoopa 0:32 33 Normal Play
Panic Puppet Zone Act 1/Opening TheUltimateKoopa 1:49 79 Normal Play
Panic Puppet Zone Act 2 TheUltimateKoopa 1:24 63 Normal Play
Robotnik (Sonic Mega Collection) SypherAP 0:30 18 Custom Play
Rusty Ruin Zone (Act 1 + 2 Medley) TheUltimateKoopa 3:33 53 Custom Play
Rusty Ruin Zone Act 1 TheUltimateKoopa 1:54 91 Normal Play
Rusty Ruin Zone Act 2 TheUltimateKoopa 2:18 44 Normal Play
Sega Logo FlameHyenard 0:02 35 None Play
Special Stage TheUltimateKoopa 0:58 37 Normal Play
Special Stage (Beta) Segtendo 0:17 26 Normal Play
Spring Stadium Zone Act 1 TheUltimateKoopa 1:33 41 Normal Play
Spring Stadium Zone Act 2 TheUltimateKoopa 1:34 32 Normal Play
Staff Roll TheUltimateKoopa 1:24 27 Normal Play
The Final Fight TheUltimateKoopa 0:59 68 Normal Play
Volcano Valley Zone Act 1 TheUltimateKoopa 1:12 63 Normal Play
Volcano Valley Zone Act 2 TheUltimateKoopa 1:22 54 Normal Play

Remixes / Fanmade

Song Name Uploader Length Downloads Loop Type Preview
Diamond Dust Zone Act 1 (Classic Remix) Segtendo 1:12 29 Normal Play
Green Grove Zone Act 1 (Classic Remix) Segtendo 3:53 33 Normal Play
Rusty Ruin Zone Act 1 (Classic Remix) Segtendo 1:43 32 Normal Play
Volcano Valley Zone (Classic Remix) Segtendo 2:25 27 Normal Play

Total BRSTMs: 40
Total Downloads: 1727