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Paper Mario Music

Song Name Uploader Length Downloads Loop Type Preview
A City in the Stars darksamus77 0:59 55 Normal Play
A Kingdom in Chaos darksamus77 0:57 21 Normal Play
A Party at Peach's Castle darksamus77 1:34 32 Normal Play
All Board! darksamus77 0:50 27 Normal Play
Angry Bowser darksamus77 1:18 94 Normal Play
Approach to the Mansion darksamus77 1:44 56 Normal Play
Attack of the Koopa Bros. YoshiSonic 1:03 45 Normal Play
Battle Fanfare darksamus77 0:30 368 Normal Play
Beach Tunes TheUltimateKoopa 0:56 19 Normal Play
Beware! Bowser's Castle! darksamus77 0:25 18 None Play
Bill Blaster! Go Faster! darksamus77 0:32 34 Normal Play
Blooper Appears TheUltimateKoopa 0:18 16 Normal Play
Boo's Mansion Theme darksamus77 0:39 36 Normal Play
Boo's Record Player TheUltimateKoopa 0:45 17 Normal Play
Boos' Dance TheUltimateKoopa 0:28 27 Normal Play
Bootler Scares Guard T (Toad Town) TheUltimateKoopa 0:16 20 Normal Play
Bowser Takes Peach's Castle TheUltimateKoopa 0:51 19 Normal Play
Bowser's Rage darksamus77 1:30 196 Normal Play
Bowser's Rage (OST Version) RarityTheFineArts47 1:31 23 Normal Play
Caught! TheUltimateKoopa 0:04 17 None Play
Chomp Attack darksamus77 0:32 119 Normal Play
Clouds Over Flower Fields darksamus77 0:50 28 Normal Play
Cloudy Climb TheUltimateKoopa 0:14 29 Normal Play
Club 64 TheUltimateKoopa 1:30 35 Normal Play
Club Song TheUltimateKoopa 1:08 20 Normal Play
Cold Reception in Shiver City darksamus77 1:20 49 Normal Play
Crystal King TheUltimateKoopa 0:49 27 Normal Play
Crystal Palace Crawl PAVGN 1:33 60 Normal Play
Dark Dungeon of Bowser's Castle TheUltimateKoopa 0:51 26 Normal Play
Defeat Bowser TheUltimateKoopa 0:15 18 None Play
Detective Mario TheUltimateKoopa 1:02 31 Normal Play
Dry Dry Desert Trek TheUltimateKoopa 0:59 55 Normal Play
Dry Dry Ruins Quest darksamus77 1:10 36 Normal Play
Dry Dry Ruins Revealed TheUltimateKoopa 0:30 17 None Play
Entrance to Flower Fields TheUltimateKoopa 0:06 15 None Play
Escape from Mt. Lavalava darksamus77 1:06 36 Normal Play
Fearsome 5 Found TheUltimateKoopa 0:03 17 None Play
Fighting Dojo (Toad Town) TheUltimateKoopa 0:17 30 Normal Play
Flower Fields Rondo darksamus77 1:04 41 Normal Play
Flower Fields Sunshine TheUltimateKoopa 0:37 19 Normal Play
Forever Forest Theme darksamus77 0:54 40 Normal Play
Forever Forest Warning TheUltimateKoopa 0:18 22 Normal Play
Freeze! Segtendo 0:52 370 Normal Play
Fuzzys Stole My Shell darksamus77 0:33 34 Normal Play
Game Over TheUltimateKoopa 0:07 43 None Play
Gates of Goomba Castle darksamus77 0:36 20 Normal Play
General Guy's March darksamus77 0:16 29 Normal Play
Ghost Gulping Segtendo 0:36 259 Normal Play
Ghost in the Toy Box TheUltimateKoopa 0:22 22 Normal Play
Go! Mario! Go! (Phase 1) TheUltimateKoopa 1:02 65 Normal Play
Go! Mario! Go! (Phase 2) darksamus77 0:58 65 Normal Play
Golden Oldies TheUltimateKoopa 0:25 19 Normal Play
Good Night TheUltimateKoopa 0:05 17 None Play
Goodbye, Twink! darksamus77 1:36 21 Normal Play
Goomba Bros Defeated TheUltimateKoopa 0:11 15 Normal Play
Goomba King's Castle TheUltimateKoopa 0:18 16 Normal Play
Goomba King's Decree darksamus77 0:30 58 Normal Play
Goomba Village Theme darksamus77 0:36 61 Normal Play
Gourmet Guy's Ecstasy TheUltimateKoopa 0:17 15 None Play
Grateful Flower Lily TheUltimateKoopa 0:17 25 Normal Play
Grateful Flower Petunia TheUltimateKoopa 0:16 17 Normal Play
Grateful Flower Posie TheUltimateKoopa 0:18 16 Normal Play
Grateful Flower Rosie TheUltimateKoopa 0:16 15 Normal Play
Growing Beanstalk TheUltimateKoopa 0:23 21 Normal Play
Gusty Gulch Adventure darksamus77 1:15 53 Normal Play
Hang in There, Peach! TheUltimateKoopa 1:17 31 Normal Play
Happy Sun TheUltimateKoopa 1:28 21 Normal Play
Herringway and the Mayor TheUltimateKoopa 0:12 15 Normal Play
Hey You! TheUltimateKoopa 0:34 137 Normal Play
Hot Times in Mt. Lavalava darksamus77 0:43 34 Normal Play
Huff N. Puff's Theme darksamus77 0:59 28 Normal Play
Huffin' and Puffin' Segtendo 1:05 248 Normal Play
Huffin' and Puffin' (OST Version) RarityTheFineArts47 1:06 23 Normal Play
Jade Jungle Theme darksamus77 1:27 43 Normal Play
Journey to Bowser's Castle TheUltimateKoopa 0:36 25 Normal Play
Jr Troopa TheUltimateKoopa 0:23 24 Normal Play
Jr Troopa Battle TheUltimateKoopa 0:17 71 Normal Play
K64 Train Ride TheUltimateKoopa 0:25 25 Normal Play
Kammy Koopa TheUltimateKoopa 0:20 21 Normal Play
Keeping Pace Segtendo 0:50 86 Normal Play
King of the Koopas RarityTheFineArts47 0:59 270 Normal Play
King of the Koopas (OST / Japanese Version) RarityTheFineArts47 1:05 28 Normal Play
Koopa Bros Tricks TheUltimateKoopa 0:15 18 Normal Play
Koopa Bros. Fortress darksamus77 1:14 42 Normal Play
Koopa Bros. Keep Cool Pleasant250 0:36 29 Normal Play
Koopa Village Theme darksamus77 0:45 42 Normal Play
Lakilester the Great! darksamus77 1:04 23 Normal Play
Lava Piranha Attack darksamus77 0:26 31 Normal Play
Level Up Xiron 0:17 23 Normal Play
Madam Merlar TheUltimateKoopa 0:22 19 Normal Play
Mail Call! TheUltimateKoopa 0:09 20 None Play
Main Menu TheUltimateKoopa 0:40 49 Normal Play
Main Title TheUltimateKoopa 1:39 74 Normal Play
Making a Cake TheUltimateKoopa 0:09 14 None Play
March Ahead TheUltimateKoopa 0:29 83 Normal Play
Mario and Peach's Theme darksamus77 0:51 24 Normal Play
Mario Bros' Home TheUltimateKoopa 0:56 48 Normal Play
Mario's Theme TheUltimateKoopa 0:50 33 Normal Play
Master Battle TheUltimateKoopa 0:31 80 Normal Play
Merlon's Hut (Toad Town) TheUltimateKoopa 0:17 20 Normal Play
Merluvlee TheUltimateKoopa 0:14 14 None Play
Minh T (Toad Town) TheUltimateKoopa 0:17 19 Normal Play
Mini Boss TheUltimateKoopa 0:29 31 Normal Play
Mini Game TheUltimateKoopa 0:30 24 Normal Play
Monstar Appears TheUltimateKoopa 0:18 16 Normal Play
Moustafa TheUltimateKoopa 0:27 20 Normal Play
Mt. Rugged Theme darksamus77 0:35 31 Normal Play
Murder in Shiver City TheUltimateKoopa 0:49 24 Normal Play
Mysterious Dry Dry Outpost darksamus77 0:38 34 Normal Play
New Item TheUltimateKoopa 0:04 19 None Play
New Member TheUltimateKoopa 0:22 20 Normal Play
Nice to Meet You TheUltimateKoopa 0:25 20 Normal Play
Over Shiver Mountain PAVGN 1:11 188 Normal Play
Over Shiver Mountain (OST Version) RarityTheFineArts47 1:09 21 Normal Play
Peach's Castle (Bowser) TheUltimateKoopa 1:08 17 Normal Play
Petunia Under Attack! TheUltimateKoopa 0:48 55 Normal Play
Pleasant Path HP TheUltimateKoopa 0:04 21 Normal Play
Pop Diva TheUltimateKoopa 1:05 20 E to S Play
Pop Diva (short) TheUltimateKoopa 0:16 19 None Play
Princess in Distress darksamus77 0:35 20 Normal Play
Princess Peach TheUltimateKoopa 0:23 13 Normal Play
Princess Peach Saved! darksamus77 1:48 18 Normal Play
Prologue TheUltimateKoopa 0:21 17 None Play
Puff Puff Machine TheUltimateKoopa 0:29 15 Normal Play
Raphael the Raven darksamus77 1:42 29 Normal Play
Raphael the Raven (Front) Pleasant250 1:09 17 Normal Play
Return to Princess Peach's Castle TheUltimateKoopa 1:06 13 Normal Play
Revival TheUltimateKoopa 0:20 14 Normal Play
Rowf's Badge Shop (Toad Town) TheUltimateKoopa 0:17 20 Normal Play
Russ T (Toad Town) TheUltimateKoopa 0:16 20 Normal Play
Sad Sun TheUltimateKoopa 1:13 34 Normal Play
Sanctuary! darksamus77 0:39 21 Normal Play
Search for the Fearsome 5 darksamus77 0:30 29 Normal Play
Sewer Entrance (Toad Town) TheUltimateKoopa 0:16 20 Normal Play
Shiver City Mayor TheUltimateKoopa 0:27 14 Normal Play
Shooting Star Summit YoshiSonic 1:18 14 Normal Play
Shy Guy Riot TheUltimateKoopa 0:55 39 Normal Play
Shy Guy's Toy Box Pleasant250 0:39 58 Normal Play
Snow Road darksamus77 0:49 36 Normal Play
Star Spirits' Request darksamus77 0:37 23 Normal Play
Star Way darksamus77 0:16 19 Normal Play
Star Way Ascent TheUltimateKoopa 0:09 16 None Play
Star Way Descent TheUltimateKoopa 0:06 19 None Play
Starborn Valley Trail darksamus77 0:50 25 Normal Play
Stealthy Snoop TheUltimateKoopa 0:48 23 Normal Play
Story of the Stolen Spirits darksamus77 2:04 17 E to S Play
Story of the Stolen Spirits (Beta) TheUltimateKoopa 2:04 10 None Play
Story of the Stolen Spirits (Full Version) TheUltimateKoopa 2:23 12 None Play
Tace T (Toad Town) TheUltimateKoopa 0:16 17 Normal Play
The Castle Crumbles darksamus77 0:35 40 Normal Play
The Celebration Continues darksamus77 2:58 21 E to S Play
Toad Town Theme TheUltimateKoopa 1:10 71 Normal Play
Toad Town Variations darksamus77 4:21 20 Custom Play
Toy Box (Toad Town) TheUltimateKoopa 0:16 17 Normal Play
Trivia Ending TheUltimateKoopa 0:05 16 None Play
Trivia Game TheUltimateKoopa 0:07 18 Normal Play
Trivia Introduction TheUltimateKoopa 0:11 18 None Play
Trojan Bowser darksamus77 0:56 41 Normal Play
Tubba Blubba's Castle darksamus77 1:07 36 Normal Play
Tubba's Heart Segtendo 0:58 27 Normal Play
Tutankoopa Appears TheUltimateKoopa 0:24 12 Normal Play
Tutankoopa's Threats 1 TheUltimateKoopa 0:34 15 Normal Play
Tutankoopa's Threats 2 TheUltimateKoopa 0:40 16 Normal Play
Twink's Theme darksamus77 0:19 19 Normal Play
Underground Pipes TheUltimateKoopa 1:14 27 Normal Play
Victory Fuglykirby 0:03 39 None Play
Victory Parade darksamus77 4:54 20 E to S Play
Welcome to Yoshi's Village TheUltimateKoopa 3:08 48 Normal Play
Whale Meeting TheUltimateKoopa 0:44 15 Normal Play
Whale Ride TheUltimateKoopa 0:32 24 Normal Play
Wish of the Princess darksamus77 1:38 20 Normal Play

Remixes / Fanmade

Song Name Uploader Length Downloads Loop Type Preview
Attack on the Koopa Bros (Rockin'-ish Remix) (Saiga) RarityTheFineArts47 1:04 32 Normal Play
Bowser's Rage & King of the Koopas (JonnyAtma) Vector Harbor 5:41 23 E to S Play
GaMetal - Attack of the Koopa Bros. duskool 2:51 77 Custom Play
King of the Koopas (GaMetal) Stache24 1:46 82 Custom Play
Koopa Bros. Battle (GoronGuy123) GoronGuy123 1:05 21 Custom Play
Newgrounds - Koopa Bros, IJ Blazingflare 1:22 23 Custom Play
Paper Mario/The Thousand Year Door Battle Theme Remix! (By A.J. Klapro Wario358 3:44 76 Normal Play
Siege on Bowser's Castle TheUltimateKoopa 8:03 49 Custom Play
Star Rod Struggle - Bowser's Rage (GaMetal) DarkDrMario 2:42 29 Custom Play
Star Rod Struggle - King of the Koopas (GaMetal) DarkDrMario 2:09 24 Custom Play
Victory Parade/The Celebration Continues (Medley) TheUltimateKoopa 7:55 11 Custom Play

Total BRSTMs: 182
Total Downloads: 7270