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Monster Hunter 2 (dos) Music

Song Name Uploader Length Downloads Loop Type Preview
Assassin Sent to the Burning Sand Muggshotter 1:37 20 Normal Play
Blangonga ~ Dweller in the Frosty Dark Muggshotter 1:18 24 Normal Play
Chameleos ~ Illusion of the Dense Forest Muggshotter 1:23 58 Normal Play
Congalala ~ Outlaw of the Jungle Muggshotter 1:24 16 Normal Play
Daimyo Hermitaur ~ One Antenna'd Daimyo-Zasami Muggshotter 1:23 14 Normal Play
Gravios ~ Ruler of the Volcano Muggshotter 1:18 14 Normal Play
Gypceros ~ Roar of the Marshlands Strange Beast Muggshotter 2:35 15 Normal Play
Jumbo Village (Day) ~ Village of Deeply Blessed People Muggshotter 3:03 17 Normal Play
Kirin ~ Phantom Present in the Tower Muggshotter 1:17 25 Normal Play
Kushala Daora ~ The Black Shadow Dancing in the Storm Muggshotter 1:19 33 Normal Play
Load Game ~ To The Hunting Grounds Muggshotter 0:36 12 Normal Play
Lunastra & Teostra ~ Rulers of Flame Muggshotter 1:30 66 Normal Play
Monster Hunter Portable ~ Connecting Now Muggshotter 0:09 3 Normal Play
Quest Clear ~ Praising Success Muggshotter 0:40 14 Normal Play
Rajang ~ Mane of Gold Muggshotter 1:22 48 Normal Play
Save Game ~ Time of Contented Rest Muggshotter 0:07 11 None Play
Shen Gaoren #1 ~ Old Mountain Dragon! Muggshotter 1:16 15 Normal Play
Shen Gaoren #2 ~ Challenge of the Powerful Enemy Muggshotter 1:12 19 Normal Play
Snowy Mountains ~ Risking My Dignity Muggshotter 1:20 11 Normal Play
White Fatalis ~ Ancestral Dragon Muggshotter 1:21 78 Normal Play
Yamatsukami ~ Mountains Floating in the Sky Muggshotter 1:12 19 Normal Play

Total BRSTMs: 21
Total Downloads: 532